Mail Fulfillment


Nearly one in five Americans move each year. That’s a lot of changing addresses. And a lot of wasted postage money if mail is returned undeliverable. And penalties, if more than 30% of addresses in a mailing are out-of-date.

Thankfully, the United States Postal Service (USPS) keeps up with these changes using their national change-of-address process and database, which catalogs address changes made in the last 48 months. USPS makes this database available to others through their NCOALink product, which is also one of just a few USPS-approved methods for obtaining First Class Mail and Standard Mail automation and presort rates.

Datapage is a licensed provider of full-service NCOALink processing—providing you with accurate addresses, helping you meet postal regulations, and ensuring your direct mail efforts are getting the best rates possible.

How does this work, exactly? Datapage:

  • Works with you to customize a NCOALink processing plan that’s right for you (options include one-time production file processing or periodic database processing)
  • Obtains your mail file from you at least 96 days before mailing.
  • Compares your mail file against the latest change-of-address information on file with USPS 95 days or more before mailing.
  • Updates addresses and prints only the most current ones on outgoing mail pieces.
  • Secures you the best possible automation and presort rates for the mail campaign.
  • Sends you electronic summary reports and updated address files, so you can maintain information integrity.

Benefits to your company include:

  • Postage savings (through securing special rates and by reducing undeliverable mail).
  • Reduction or elimination of Postal Service fees for post-mailing address change services.
  • Higher volume of delivered mail.
  • Direct, timely delivery of mail to customers.
  • Lowered database maintenance costs.
  • Detailed reports and updated address lists, enhancing postal reports and assistance with compliance or audit requirements.
  • Opportunity to evaluate marketing impact sooner.

Full-service NCOALink processing significantly benefits direct mail campaigns and your company’s bottom line. Contact Datapage to learn more about how our NCOALink processing services stand out from others’ and to get a free quote.

Datapage is a non-exclusive licensee of the United States Postal Service (USPS) to provide full-service NCOALink processing.

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