Mail Fulfillment

IM Barcoding

At Datapage, our goal is to bring you the very best in mail fulfillment services, so that your company sees the greatest return on investment possible.

We work closely with the USPS to ensure that our proprietary direct mail software incorporates the latest mail technologies available. One of these technologies is the Intelligent Mail Barcode (IMB), which USPS began requiring in 2013 for companies seeking automation rates.

Datapage’s software prints IMBs directly on every piece of outgoing mail, providing USPS with the digital information needed to get your mail delivered quickly to the right address. We also offer the option of including IMBs on return or remittance envelopes, providing your company with valuable information on the status of incoming orders or payments.

IMBs are scanned through each stage of the delivery process, with data updated real-time in [Name], our web-based tracking system. Unique logins are made available to up to X members of your company, so your team can view reports on inbound and outbound mail and anticipate customer call volume, properly staff departments and teams, and forecast and manage cash flow. These reports can be accessed from mobile devices or computers—whatever platform best meets your business needs.

With our IMB-capable software and web-based tracking system, you’re company will obtain maximum postage savings and mailing rates.

Other benefits include:

  • Increased mail efficiency and deliverability rates.
  • Confirmation that invoices have been mailed.
  • Improved collection efforts.
  • Access to more detailed customer behavior data.
  • Improved forecasting and cash flow management.
  • Ability to anticipate high-volume call times and staff call centers appropriately.
  • Increased ability to manage supply chain for efficiency.
  • Confirmation that bills have been paid and checks are in the mail.
  • Access to updated address files.

Contact Datapage to learn more about how our IMB-capable software and web-tracking system can add value and improve your company’s bottom line, or to request a free quote.

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